Na društvenoj mreži TikTok viralan je postao video na kojem je prikazana mlada dama koja se nakon izvjesnog vremena nakon pandemije korona virusa pojavila u jednom frizerskom salonu, želeći da promijeni svoj zapušteni izgled, odnosno kosu koju nekoliko godina nije počešljala.

Ipak, u opisu objave koja se pojavila na društvenoj mreži TikTok stoji da i mame pored brige za djecu, naročito u vrijeme izolacije, mogu da zaborave na sebe i potpuno se zapuste. Duga zapetljana kosa koja se pretvorila u loptu zahtijevala je dubinski treman i pravilan pristup kako bi bila oporavljena, a frizerka je tome pristupila vrlo odgovorno, a zatim pokazala i krajnji rezultat koji je sve oduševio.

@love518salon We had 5 days to detangle this moms hair before her flight. 3 years of matted hair. It got matted around the covid era, which was so hard for so many of us. Being a mom is hard especially with a world wide pandemic on our shoulders that no one knew what was happening. Having small children at home doing school instead if daycare or primary school is challenging. And sometimes putting the kids first we forget about ourselves. Ofc I got you guys with the detangling matted hair before and after. All five parts in one video. ✨ Reminder!! We are a completely judge free zone! And we are forever grateful that this beautiful mom with even prettier hair decided to take the big step of taking care of herself. Im like a fairy god mother doing a full makeover, except this time you keep your makeover even after the clock strikes 12 ✨ And that is what Love 518 is all about #mattedhair #detanglingQueen #momhair #detanglinghair #hadassacreations #miamidetangling ♬ Worth It. (Sped Up) – RAYE

Iako su mnogi osuđivali ženu zbog toga što je dovela kosu u ovakvo stanje, većina je rekla da je mentalno zdravlje mnogih ljudi u to vrijeme bilo narušeno i da je potpuno razumljivo ako su neki zaboravili da vode brigu o sebi.

@love518salon We had 5 days to detangle this moms hair before her flight. 3 years of matted hair. It got matted around the covid era, which was so hard for so many of us. Being a mom is hard especially with a world wide pandemic on our shoulders that no one knew what was happening. Having small children at home doing school instead if daycare or primary school is challenging. And sometimes putting the kids first we forget about ourselves. Ofc I got you guys with the detangling matted hair before and after. All five parts in one video. ✨ Reminder!! We are a completely judge free zone! And we are forever grateful that this beautiful mom with even prettier hair decided to take the big step of taking care of herself. Im like a fairy god mother doing a full makeover, except this time you keep your makeover even after the clock strikes 12 ✨ And that is what Love 518 is all about #mattedhair #detanglingQueen #momhair #detanglinghair #hadassacreations #miamidetangling ♬ Worth It. (Sped Up) – RAYE

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